Tuesday 16 April 2013


 “Christ is Risen!”  -  “He is Risen Indeed!”

Over sin He has conquered, over death victorious, over sickness He has triumphed!

I was able to spend this time of remembering and celebration with the Pringle family in Malaga.
On Easter Sunday we celebrated with a special breakfast, Monkey bread, eggs and fresh fruit. Yummmm!

There was a combined service of all the Evangelical churches of Malaga area. It was held outdoors at the bandshell on the big paseo in downtown Malaga. Several hundred Christians gathered to praise and worship and hear the testimony of the power of our Risen Savior! It was an encouraging and inspiring service, even though it was all in Spanish J

Moriah and I enjoying the atmosphere :)

Joyful worship and proclamation of God's goodness!!

Worship team leading us in praise

God's Word being proclaimed in faith with boldness!

Communion: we were wondering how it was going to work with
this many people. The little white circle is a wafer, and underneath
that in the container was wine. All sealed in a little package.
Unfortunately the wafer tasted a bit like styrofoam...

After the service we hurried home as the Pringles had invited people over for a pizza party for lunch.  As an appetizer Dan made grilled dates wrapped in bacon. As odd as that sounds, it is amazingly delicious! Then we did pizza on the barbeque. I rolled out dough, people put their choice of toppings on it and Dan was the expert bbq chef.

Creating personalized pizza!

The young'uns

Enjoying the patio :)

The crazy rolling pin lady :)


Unfortunately, I was feeling pretty sick by mid-afternoon so I had to excuse myself from the party and go to bed, where I ended up staying for the next several days. 


  1. Reading your blog made me realize again how much you are missed. Much love your way!!!

  2. Sorry I should have signed who I was, I thought it would show - Trisha
