Monday 17 December 2012

This little girl is going on an adventure! A few people have asked if I was going to have a blog, so I decided to join the crowd and create one :)

This week has been full of studying, packing and goodbyes. I actually don't think I've said semi-permanent goodbyes to this many people since leaving Kabul in 2008. Life is changing rapidly, but I can take full joy in the ride with the knowledge that I have a heavenly Father who is guiding me into the next chapter and preparing what lies ahead. Hence the name of my blog. I hope and pray that every day I will be walking in the way He has prepared for me. 

I have two days of studying ahead of me, one math exam, and then my wonderful brothers are picking me up at the Tsawwassen Ferry terminal in Vancouver and we are driving home together. I love having  siblings! We will have 6 precious days at home together for Christmas, baking, eating, laughing, singing, playing in the snow and everything comes with being part of my amazing family. I can hardly wait. 

On December 26th at 8pm my adventure will really begin with my flight to Switzerland. I will be with my Grossmami for ten days, and head to Malaga, Spain on January 7th.  Please pray that I would be able to look for job opportunities while I'm in Switzerland as I would love to be able to work there for a few months after I'm done in Spain at the end of March. 

As much as this blog will help with keeping in touch with people, I'm a big fan of skyping and snail-mail, so if you would like to receive "real" letters, or send me anything, let me know and we can exchange addresses :) 

With blessings and my love,


1 comment:

    I'm looking forward to following the journey God has layed out before you! Such an adventure :) I'm very proud of you, Miss Romaine!
    Can't wait to hear all about it... And all about YOU!

    Much love in Him alone,
    Christa V
