Thursday 20 December 2012

Home :)

I am safely home, and it is truly by God's grace. I felt like there was something trying to keep me from getting here. There was a windstorm in Victoria all day on the 19th, and my ferry was delayed by 3 and a half hours. Fortunately my brothers were able to wait and pick me up, and we have wonderful friends in Abbotsford who put us up for the night. We left at 6am this morning and drove over the Coquihalla. The road was treacherous and we hit black ice, but by God's mercy and grace the snow bank was high enough and not hard. We fish-tailed, spun around a few times and hit the bank. We were fine and miraculously the car was completely fine. There was no traffic on the road and Seth was able to turn the car around and we kept going. But definitely at a slower pace than before.

Home is lovely. There has already been Christmas shopping, and tree decorating and visiting with cousins. I am so blessed to have a family that enjoys visiting together and singing and generally being together. God is good!

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas!


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