Saturday 16 March 2013

The Ark Christian School

This is to give you a little glimpse into what I have been doing since the beginning of January. 

At school I have been helping with three classes, 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6. My schedule is different every day depending on when they each have PE and Spanish, which I don’t help with. I do lots of reading and reading comprehension work in all three classes. In 1-2 I also help with math and science lessons and craft time. In 3-4 and 5-6 I do reading comprehension in groups, help with creative assignments and do displays of the students’ work. 

It also means that I get to participate if I happen to be in class when they are doing a special lesson, tapas or dessert in class, a movie with popcorn, field trip, or a trip to get churros y chocolate.   Enjoy the picture tour!

Working hard on reading comprehension and writing answers

Year 1-2 class room. Can you tell we are learning to count by 10s and 100s?

Year 1-2 girls, the ones I've worked with the most. Clockwise from the left:
Bella, Olivia, Grace, Leonna, Isabella, Madeline

Finished a lesson on shapes and rewarded by playing games until lunch.

One of my projects has been to re-organize the school library.
I have been reminded over and over how much of
an organization nerd I am :P

In Year 1-2 in the first half of the term we learned about our solar system
I had to climb a "dodgy" ladder armed with a staple gun
to get this display on the ceiling!

Year 3-4 has been learning about Spanish culture

Year 3-4 has also been learning about the Roman history in Spain.
They wrote descriptions of Janus and then reflected on
the past year and what this year might hold.
Spanish history projects by 5-6

Keeping track of times-tables, Year 3-4

Visit to the Roman ruins in Malaga

Contemplating the historical significance of
the Roman and Moorish culture in Spain.
Mr. Boyle, the secondary history teacher, is a walking encyclopedia!

On Andalucia Day the whole school trooped (in the rain)
to a local "Churreria" 

One of the most delicious snacks of all time...

...Churros y Chocolate!!!

Cecelia and Miss Romaine in green for
Andalucia day! :)

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